Sunday, August 1, 2010

All year long we wait for sun. At the beach we come undone

My family and I made our 14 hour summer trek to Pawley's Island, South Carolina.
It's about an hour outside of Charleston and a truly beautiful place.

It was full of beautiful houses.

And antique stores...

I got a ton of reading done in this here hammock

And I'm just gonna plug the Old City Market in Charleston, S.C. It has maybe the best selection ever and I made these GREAT finds for fairly cheap!
(these finds will be a part of a separate post, as my camera is being stupid right now.)

I had to use this postcard as there were about 8 million people standing outside the Market and it didn't make a good picture!
Definitely go there if you are ever in the Charleston area. They have cheap Pashminas, sundresses and great jewelry!


  1. Some one should keep me away from the antique stores if I ever go to Pawley's Island, SC because I will buy everything.

  2. Wow, have fun! It looks like such a beautiful place. I've love hammocks!!!

  3. This looks gorgeous! Those houses are beautiful. What a lovely place to visit :) x

  4. i want to go there!! and i want a hammock too :)

  5. wow.. looks like you visited lots of great places! nice photos!! :D

    Animated Confessions

  6. Milk, I like the way you think. Sometimes I feel like I live more in the worlds I come across in books. And they definitely feel more like home than anything else. BTW, I did read The Diving Bell and the Butterfly and I liked it a lot.

  7. lovely pictures, i love looking through antique shops and theres nothing better than sitting in a hammock! x
